To validate certificates, the online office uses the @firma platform of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations. The platform accepts digital certificates recognised under the ITU-T X.509 v3 standard, issued by certification bodies registered at the authority register of the State Secretariat for Telecommunication and the Information Society of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, in accordance with what is laid down in article 30 of Law 59/2003 of 19 December on digital signatures.
As a result you can find a full list of certification bodies approved by the online office in @firma's document on certification bodies.
Likewise, the Electronic Office of the DGOJ, amongst its electronic signature procedures, has a cloud signing system called Cl@ve Firma.
Using Cl@ve Firma, all those submissions made via our Electronic Office can be signed, as well as the payment of gambling tax revenues.
Cl@ve Firma allows citizens to sign electronically from any device with an internet connection and without any additional equipment nor software installation required.
Centralised certificates are generated and securely held by the Directorate-General of Police (DGP) and Social Security Information Technology Management (GISS), enabling them to be generated through this Electronic Office if they are not held. The Cl@ve Firma service will only be available to those users already registered on the Cl@ve Permanente identity validation platform (you can find more information on the website
The signature process is carried out with the highest level of security, which means that the enhanced Cl@ve permanente will be used, that is, one in which, in addition to entering the user and password, a single-use code must also be provided that will be received via SMS sent to the phone number associated with the certificate holder at the time of registration.