Information on notices

Issuance of Notices

Pursuant to  Law 39/2015 of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations and concordant regulations, the Directorate-General for Gambling Regulation, hereinafter DGOJ, employs the following when issuing notices to natural and legal persons acting as interested parties in the procedures of the Directorate-General.


Exclusively electronic notices Return to top

Applicable to those bound on account of being legal persons or acting as a representative of one before the DGOJ, as well as natural persons who have so requested.

Notice will be made available both in the Electronic Office of the DGOJ, as well as in the Central State Administration General Access Point, hereinafter, PAG.

The interested party will have ten calendar days in which to access its content, at which point the notice will be understood as having been issued. If not accessed within that period, and pursuant to Article 43.2 of Law 39/2015 of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, it will be deemed as rejected, the notification procedure being deemed as having been carried out following the procedure pursuant to Article 41.5 of the aforementioned law and concordant regulations.

For the purposes of steps and processing times, the first of the steps carried out through any of the previously detailed means will be considered effective (Appearance in the Electronic Office of the DGOJ, or PAG)

The notice can be accessed through the Electronic Office of the DGOJ  using the following link: It is necessary that a session is opened and that they have been identified electronically, at least once, with any of the systems admitted by the DGOJ under the scope of Article 9 of Law 39/2015. This means, electronic DNI, electronic certificate or Cl@ve system.


Electronic and paper notices Return to top

Applicable to natural persons being notified for the first time or who have requested notices by post.

Notices by post will be made at the address indicated for notification purposes.

Likewise, pursuant to Article 40.6 of Law 39/2015, the notice will be made available  to the interested party in both the Electronic Office of the DGOJ, and in the  Central State Administration General Access Point.

In addition to receiving the notice by post, the interested party will have a period of ten calendar days to access its content at the DGOJ electronic office or in the PAG, at which point it will be understood as given. If not accessed within that period, and pursuant to Article 43.2 of Law 39/2015 of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, it will be deemed as rejected, the notification procedure being deemed as having been carried out following the procedure pursuant to Article 41.5 of the aforementioned law and concordant regulations.

For the purposes of steps and processing times, the first of the steps carried out through any of the previously detailed means will be considered effective (received by post, appearance in the Electronic Office of the DGOJ, or PAG)

The notice can be accessed through the Electronic Office of the DGOJ  using the following link: It is necessary that a session is opened and that they have been identified electronically, at least once, with any of the systems allowed by the DGOJ under the scope of Article 9 of Law 39/2015. This means, electronic DNI, electronic certificate or Cl@ve system.


Notices solely on Paper Return to top

For legal persons being notified for the first time and who do not have a username in the electronic office

The first notice will be made by post at the address indicated for notification purposes and will be registered as a user in the electronic office for subsequent notices.

The interested party will be informed that, being obliged to interact electronically with the DGOJ, as a private legal person or acting as a representative of one before the DGOJ, they must  activate their username in the electronic office of the DGOJ in order to perform all procedures and communications deemed necessary, as well as receiving future notices by this means.

Central State Administration General Access Point.

All electronic notices made by the DGOJ, in addition to being made available in the area for that purpose in the Electronic Office of the DGOJ,  will be made available in the electronic notices area of the Citizen Folder within the General Access Point (PAG) provided by MINHAC ( Notices on paper sent by Notific@ will likewise be included.

Notices on paper via Notific@ are managed in the same way as notices by post, with the difference that they will be sent through the AEAT Postal Centre.

Citizen Folder is Public Administrations initiative that tries to simplify relationships between citizens and the Administration, placing all information of the different procedures in a single place, and addressing it at the unit responsible to continue with its management.


citizen folder > notices and communications