Frequently asked questions
- What is the online office?
- Who is it for?
- What can I do at the online office?
- Are online office procedures just as valid as if done in person?
- Is it safe to use online office services?
- When can I access the online office?
- What date and time are used to calculate deadlines?
- What is a digital signature?
- What is a digital certificate?
- Which ones are valid at the online office of the Directorate General for Gambling Regulation?
- What type of digital certificate can I obtain?
- Where can I obtain a digital certificate?
- What computer set-up do I need to use my certificate at the online office of the Directorate General for Gambling Regulation?
- Can I use several certificates?
What is the online office?
The online office of the Directorate General for Gambling is the Internet site where you can perform all the official procedures that require previous identification on the part of citizens or the administration. This way, the ministry complies with the requirements laid down in Law 39/2015 of 1 October,Common Administrative Procedure of the Administrations and Law 40/2015 of 1 October, of the Legal Regime of the Public Sector respectively.
Is it safe to use online office services?
Communication channels set up between you and the online office are safe. All information is encoded, and digital certificates ensure both parties' identities. All personal details sent over the Internet are encoded and, once our system has stored them, we use the necessary means to protect them, in compliance with the organic law on personal data protection and its implementing regulations.
What date and time are used to calculate deadlines?
To calculate procedure deadlines, the official time and date of the online office are valid, not the ones of the computer used. The system will record the date and time at which the procedure ends; that is, when the user signs the application and/or document and receives proof of receipt from the register. Let's say that you are applying for a procedure whose deadline is 20 September. If you begin filling in your application at 23:50 and submit it at 00:10 the following day, it will be past its due delivery date.
Also, bear in mind that any paperwork you do on a holiday will be considered as having been done on the following working day.
What is a digital signature?
A digital signature is a set of data that allows the signer's identity to be recognised just as if he or she had signed by hand.
Digitally certified digital signatures used both by the Directorate General for Gambling Regulation and yourself also ensure that signed documents remain unchanged: if the signed original is changed, the signature is rejected upon validation.
What is a digital certificate?
Digital certificates are documents issued and signed by a certificate authority after identifying an individual or legal person and linking their identity to two keys.
Certificates include the following information:
Identity of the certificate holder (name, NIF, email address, etc.).
Distinctive data on a certificate: serial number, issuer, date of issue, validity, etc.
A set of two keys: one public, one private.
The certificate's digital signature, using the key of the certificate authority (CA) that issued it.
Which ones are valid at the online office of the Directorate General for Gambling Regulation?
Check the list of valid certificates.
What type of digital certificate can I obtain?
There are two types of certificates based on the support you use:
Software certificates: software folders stored in a computer or server. For example, individual certificates issued by the FNMT under project CERES .
Card certificates: digital certificates stored in a cryptographic smart card. For example, digital DNIs.
Where can I obtain a digital certificate?
Digital DNIs already include a digital certificate.
You can also request a certificate from any certificate authority recognised by the General State Administration. Check @firma's document showing a list of certifying authorities.
What computer set-up do I need to use my certificate at the online office of the Directorate General for Gambling Regulation?
It depends on the certificate you are using. If you are using a digital DNI, there is information available to the public at